NASTAR Rankings

NASTAR racers earn a Resort Ranking in their age, gender and ability division after completing one NASTAR race using their single best handicap.

Participants with three or more race days earn State and National Rankings within their age, gender and division. The National & Sate Ranking Handicap is an average of the best three handicaps earned on three different race days.

Alpine skiers, telemark skiers, snowboarders and physically challenged racers are ranked separately within their discipline.

Teams are ranked within their team format (Family/Friends Team, Ski Club Team & Resort Team). In addition, there are two Participation Rankings according to the number of days raced and the number of results recorded during the season.

Ranking Types

Resort Ranking – Alpine, Snowboard and Telemark racers receive a Resort Ranking at each resort where they race after completing just one (1) NASTAR race. The best handicap earned at each resort during the season is used to determine the Resort Ranking for that particular resort. Ties are broken by the total number of days raced. Alpine participants with one or two race days are placed in the Platinum Division, Gold Division, Silver Division or Bronze Division based on their single best handicap.

State Ranking – Alpine, Snowboard and Telemark racers receive a State Ranking in their state of residence after completing three (3) NASTAR races. These three races must be completed on separate days. The three best race day handicaps are added together and divided by three to determine the handicap for rankings. Ties are broken by the total number of days raced. Participants that record three (3) race days are placed in the Platinum Division, Gold Division, Silver Division or Bronze Division based on their average handicap within their age and gender.

National Ranking – Alpine, Snowboard and Telemark racers receive a National Ranking after completing three (3) NASTAR races. These three races must be completed on separate days. The three best race day handicaps are added together and divided by three to determine the handicap for rankings. Ties are broken by the total number of days raced. Participants with three (3) or more race days are placed in the Platinum Division, Gold Division, Silver Division or Bronze Division based on their average handicap within their age and gender.

Physically Challenged National Ranking - Physically Challenged Racers receive a National Ranking after completing just one (1) NASTAR race. The best handicap earned during the season is used to determine the National Ranking for Physically Challenged Racers. Ties are broken by the total number of days raced. Racers are placed in their age and gender category. In addition, non-alpine racers will also earn an overall ranking in their gender group regardless of age.

Overall Resort Ranking – Participants receive an overall resort ranking after completing just one NASTAR race. Participants will be ranked in their gender group based on their best handicap at each resort regardless of age or division.

Overall State Ranking – NASTAR racers receive an Overall State Ranking after completing three (3) NASTAR races. These three races must be completed on separate days. The three best race day handicaps are added together and divided by three to determine the handicap for Overall State Rankings. Ties are broken by the total number of days raced. The Overall State Ranking is determined based on the state's entire population. Only the state of residence and gender are used to rank racers.

Overall National Ranking – NASTAR racers receive an Overall National Ranking after completing three (3) NASTAR races. These three races must be completed on separate days. The three best race day handicaps are added together and divided by three to determine the handicap for Overall National Rankings. Ties are broken by the total number of days raced. The male and female Overall National Rankings are determined based on the entire NASTAR population.

Team Ranking – Team members score Team Points based on the best handicap they earn during the season. Only the top point gainers from each team will be used to score points for their team (6 for Family/Friends, 15 for Resort Teams, 15 for Club Teams). The number of team points earned by these top point gainers are added together and divided by the number of top point gainers (6 or 15) to get the Team Score. Ties are broken by the total number of team points.

Team Point Ranking – Individuals receive an overall national ranking based on the number of team points scored. The single best handicap is used to calculate team points and the age and gender factor into the equation. Team points are a great way to level the playing field so that young and old, male and female can compete evenly. The maximum number of team points possible is 10 and every racer scores at least one point for finishing the course. The NASTAR handicap chart shows the number of team points scored based on the medal won. Click here to view the NASTAR Handicap Chart. The number of team points indicated on the chart is a range. Since team points are interpolated, the exact number of team points earned will be within this range. The exact number of team points scored is indicated on the Team Race Record.

Participation Rankings – NASTAR racers receive two Participation Rankings according to the number of days raced and the number of results recorded during the season. The Days Raced and Number of Results rankings are determined based on rankings within the entire NASTAR population regardless of age & gender category.

The last day for resorts to submit races is April 15 and rankings are finalized on May 15.