NASTAR racers earn a handicap based on their ability each time they race and they earn a medal status within their age and gender group (platinum, gold, silver, bronze or no medal earned). The handicap chart shows a handicap range for each medal group. The minimum and maximum number of NASTAR Points available for each medal is listed on the bottom of the chart. Racers earn NASTAR Points based on where their handicap lies between the minimum and maximum in their medal range. NASTAR Points are calculated based on a process of interpolation.
To earn a maximum of 10 NASTAR Points, participants must earn a handicap that is lower than the number shown on the chart under; HCP to Score 10 Team Points.
The calculation for Team Points is as follows:
TScore := Maximum Team Score in Range - ((HCap - minHC) x 2.99 / (maxHC - minHC))