NASTAR Slalom Championship
10.10.2023 | Bill Madsen

NASTAR Slalom Championships
Monday, April 8.
The slalom race is a warm-up race for the National Championship races.
Participants will be placed in their division based on their best result earned in the race. There are two ability divisions within each age and gender group:
Participants that earn a platinum or gold medal handicap in their age and gender group will be placed in the Platinum/Gold division. Participants that record a silver or bronze medal handicap in their age and gender group during the race will be placed in the Silver/Bronze group and they will earn a final result in the Silver/Bronze division.
Registration for the slalom should be completed during registration for the main event. However, if you did not register for the slalom while registering for the National races or if you are a guest that would like to try slalom racing you can register for $25.
Click Here to Register for the NASTAR Slalom
Awards will be presented to the top three finishers in each division within each age, gender group at 3:30pm at The Collective in the Base Village by the ice rink.
We hope that you will take advantage of the opportunity to compete in the NASTAR Slalom Championship. There is no qualification for the slalom race and the event is open to all interested competitors and guests, but pre-registration is required to race.
Gates will be set approximately 12 meters apart and the race will be run using SPM Hero gates or stubby gates. We believe the short gates allow racers to focus on making shorter radius turns without concerning themselves with blocking gates. The stubby gates are made of a soft rubber material so special protection is not necessary. Hero stubby gates provide racers with the opportunity to ski fast while avoiding the impact associated with cross-blocking standard slalom gates.
Who Has Registered for the Slalom?
Adult-NASTAR National Slalom Championship
8:45am-9:30pm – Course Inspection-Blue Grouse skier right venue (adult racers 21-95+ years of age)
9:45am – Race Start Time
● Ages 95-21-Blue Grouse (oldest racers will compete first)
● Participants will take two race runs on the same course
● Awards at The Collective in the Base Village-ice rink
Junior-NASTAR National Slalom Championship
8:45am-9:30am – Course Inspection-Blue Grouse skiers left venue (junior racers ages 1-20)
9:45am – Race Start Time
● Ages 1-20-Blue Grouse (youngest age groups race first)
● Participants will take two race runs on the same course
● Awards at The Collective in the Base Village-ice rink
* Registration for the slalom closes Sunday, April 7 at 6pm