NASTAR Club Highlight: Crystal Mountain
01.27.2022 | Crystal Mountain

NASTAR Club Highlight: Crystal Mountain
2022 NASTAR Highlighted Ski Club & Resort
How long has your resort been participating in NASTAR?
Dave Hofacker and Steve Kermode started the NASTAR program the winter of 1982/83. The first year course was along the tree line of Tucks. Winter of 1983/84, we moved NASTAR to newly reconfigured Cheers and had the first versions of the race shacks built. We won the first of our two “NASTAR Promoter of the Year” awards, had our first ranking in the top ten of NASTAR resorts, and Frankfort local Kathy Radtke won the women’s 20-29 age group at the NASTAR Finals in Aspen (Limited to just 100 total racers in all age groups when Bob Beattie ran NASTAR).
What resort do you host your NASTAR races at? What run do you race on?
Crystal Mountain Resort, Thompsonville, MI. We race on Cheers to Lou.
What days of the week & times is your course open?
Wednesday-Sunday, 1-3 PM (sometimes we go earlier in the spring for better snow conditions).
Describe the energy of your home resort race series.
FUN, exciting, inclusive, community!

What was the most memorable race day at a NASTAR race in the past few years?
When we ran dual paneled slalom races for League racing last year in the spring. Everybody loved the change up in format and had a blast with the head-to-head competition!
What would you say to someone who wants to get involved with NASTAR?
NASTAR is for everyone, and it’s a great way to track your personal progress as well as see how you stack up against racers across the country as well as some of the fastest skiers in the world. It’s also a great way to expose oneself to another offering on the slopes for anyone wanting to expand their skiing or riding experiences.
What's the best way to relax after a great day on the NASTAR course?
Après-ski in the Vista Lounge trading war stories with family and friends. Always lots of laughs and words of encouragement.
What is a piece of advice you would give a new NASTAR racer?
Try not to focus on how fast you go, at first. Enjoy the experience of skiing or riding a defined course, then watch the faster racers and see how they manage their techniques and tactics, and try to emulate them.
If you could bring your club to race anywhere in the world where would it be?
Kitzbuel, AUT. It’s the Valhalla of the ski racing world.
Favorite US Ski Team Racer and why?
Tough one, but have to go with Daron Rhalves. Not only is he a fantastic ambassador to the sport, and NASTAR itself, but he won at Kitz!

Who are you excited to watch in the Olympics this year?
Really tough to be specific here because there are so many amazing athletes who will be there, but the US Ski Team is sending a very strong squad, for both men and women. All the disciplines will be epic battles, and the US will be right in the thick of it!
Who is a local NASTAR racer you'd like to highlight?
Kermit Anderson. At 62 years old, he’s still crazy fast. On most weekends he is one of our Pacesetters, and he absolutely loves ski racing and NASTAR. Like Daron, he’s always got a smile on his face, an encouraging word or a coaching tip, and all he really wants is to share his excitement and passion for the sport with anyone who’s interested, first-timers and seasoned veterans alike.